Detail Design Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Basic Engineering & Design

Front-End Engineering Design

Detail Design Engineering

Workshare Execution

Supply Management

EPC Project Delivery

Technical Services Staffing

Cajun Engineering Solutions’ comprehensive engineering enables us to deliver consistently exceptional projects.

Detail Design Engineering is the essential bridge between the early engineering and the construction phase of a project, converting the ideas into reality. This involves close coordination and synchronization among our various disciplines of engineering. Cajun Engineering Solutions’ design execution method is structured to focus on a logical sequence of events and normal sequence of information. Additionally Cajun offers Advanced Work Packaging (AWP), which provides numerous advantages, from enhanced project cost and schedule predictability to increased commissioning reliability and an overall improvement in safety awareness and performance. CES’ detailed execution approach supports fast track execution, while controlling change and enables us to deliver consistently exceptional projects customized to our clients’ needs.


  • Align team to project objectives
  • Initiate change management
  • Procure, expedite, and inspect equipment and materials
  • Manage vendor data
  • Conduct design reviews (constructability, safety, maintainability, operability) and incorporate into the design
  • Develop and issue construction documents (IFC) and subcontractor subcontract packages
  • Confirm construction scopes of work, control estimates and schedules
  • Coordinate internal and external AWP interfaces
  • Obtain regulatory authority approval (e.g. FDA, environmental)

Cajun Engineering Solutions is a true industry leader combining technical expertise with engineering innovation.

Cajun Engineering Solutions provides a complete range of multi-disciplined engineering and design services. Beginning with opportunity analysis, we cultivate forward-thinking solutions for our clients’ most difficult challenges. Our team’s extensive experience with basic engineering design forms the basis for later successful detailed engineering, procurement, and construction completion. CES engineers, designers, and project service personnel have the expertise and commitment to overcome the most sophisticated technical challenges and deliver inspired, award-winning projects.

opportunity analysis 

Identify potentially beneficial business opportunity and perform initial analysis, scoping and order of magnitude estimate to determine whether the opportunity warrants further investigation.


  • Identify business opportunity
  • Assess market conditions
  • Identify & evaluate options
  • Obtain key technology supplier input
  • Analyze internal & external risk & impacts
  • Initiate project execution strategy
  • Identify stakeholders & gate keepers


Identify and analyze the best project approaches, options, and concept(s) and prepare study cost estimate(s), to confirm project viability and define a further refined path forward.


  • Select team and align to project objectives
  • Confirm preferred concepts, basis of design
  • Complete alternative analyses and testing studies
  • Develop concept(s) into preliminary scope documents
  • Identify regulatory and permitting requirements
  • Initiate environmental impact assessment
  • Conduct workshops, safety, and constructibility reviews, and initiate modular studies
  • Initiate project execution plan including construction strategy, work sharing, modular opportunities
  • Identify long lead/critical equipment
  • Initiate geotechnical studies
  • Conduct phase 2 gate review

Cajun Engineering Solutions provides front-end engineering design services containing optimum detail with a construction driven design approach.

The FEED phase is essential in a project’s lifecycle for controlling costs, improving the design and finalizing the most focused project execution strategy. Experience has shown us that a construction driven engineering approach drives an improvement in labor productivity and reduced construction rework. Early application of CES expertise at this stage minimizes delays, reduces risk and lowers costs.

The FEED package has always been used to set the project design basis but more and more of our clients use Cajun’s quality, robust FEED as the basis for bidding EPC Contracts. CES’ construction driven approach will result in fewer design changes, provide greater certainty and assist all stakeholders in realizing strategic objectives together.

During this phase we finalize technology, project objectives, process and design scope definition, including major equipment pricing and the project execution plan to support a budget cost estimate and funding request.


  • Confirm project objectives: scope, cost, schedule
  • Define construction strategy/ sequence/package plan and gain pass gate approval
  • Translate project concepts into full project definition supported by engineering documents
  • Conduct AWP workshops, design reviews for constructability, safety, maintainability and operability
  • Prepare to procure critical and long lead equipment/materials
  • Prepare applications for necessary permits/licenses
  • Finalize modular application plans
  • Complete project execution plan
  • Complete budget estimate and Integrated project schedule
  • Conduct phase 3 gate review

Cajun Engineering Solutions’ comprehensive engineering enables us to deliver consistently exceptional projects.

Detail Design Engineering is the essential bridge between the early engineering and the construction phase of a project, converting the ideas into reality. This involves close coordination and synchronization among our various disciplines of engineering. Cajun Engineering Solutions’ design execution method is structured to focus on a logical sequence of events and normal sequence of information. Additionally Cajun offers Advanced Work Packaging (AWP), which provides numerous advantages, from enhanced project cost and schedule predictability to increased commissioning reliability and an overall improvement in safety awareness and performance. CES’ detailed execution approach supports fast track execution, while controlling change and enables us to deliver consistently exceptional projects customized to our clients’ needs.


  • Align team to project objectives
  • Initiate change management
  • Procure, expedite, and inspect equipment and materials
  • Manage vendor data
  • Conduct design reviews (constructability, safety, maintainability, operability) and incorporate into the design
  • Develop and issue construction documents (IFC) and subcontractor subcontract packages
  • Confirm construction scopes of work, control estimates and schedules
  • Coordinate internal and external AWP interfaces
  • Obtain regulatory authority approval (e.g. FDA, environmental)

Cajun Engineering Solutions multi-office workshare strategies drive down cost.

The opportunities we face today are larger and more complex. This has made execution using high value engineering centers (HVEC) a standard in the CES model. Since inception, workshare implementation has been fundamental to CES’ project execution approach. It is a common practice that is rooted in our tools, processes, procedures and work methods.

With the core objective of driving our clients’ total installed costs down, we endeavor to leverage emerging market sourcing and high value engineering centers. Our workshare engineering services have built enormous credibility working with numerous global customers across a wide range of industries.

Multi-office Workshare

  • The key to success of a workshare project is good communication and defining the separation of activities so that two offices can function as one integral team.
  • The key to good communication is having responsible, well versed discipline leads develop all of the information needed by the workshare office, address their needs and monitor their progress.

Cajun Engineering Solutions Supply Management team is focused on driving cost and schedule certainty while providing the best value for our clients.

Cajun specialists offer our clients a full range of procurement solutions for a project starting at the early planning stages through close. This includes strategic sourcing, expediting, coordination of inspection services, and reporting. They are equipped with the finest tools, work processes, knowledge, and training to ensure we meet our client’s project objectives. We leverage long-standing relationships with a diverse network of suppliers to bring our clients the highest value, services, and quality while ensuring equipment and materials are delivered to the right place, on time, within budget, and as planned to support construction.



  • Develop the Material Responsibility Matrix
  • Prepare project-specific Procurement Strategies
  • Validate procurement approach via Interactive Planning
  • Alignment of Procurement with AWP Strategy


  • Coordinate and manage all Inquiry and PO activities
  • Perform Commercial Bid Evaluation(s) and Negotiations
  • Expedite all equipment and materials
  • Coordinate Source Inspection


  • Supply Management Status Reports
  • Purchase Order Shipping/Receiving Reports
  • Inquiry/Purchase Order Registers

Cajun executes EPC projects as a single Integrated Project Team.

Successful EPC project execution removes the burden from our clients by improving efficiency and communication, allowing a more focused project delivery, and establishing a single point of ownership that eliminates the risk of multiple changeovers associated with other project delivery methods.

The simplicity of Cajun’s streamlined execution model reduces an owners resource needs while enabling a trusted partner to assume the bulk of the project execution risks.

Simply put, Cajun employees engineer the project, Cajun employees procure the materials, and then Cajun employees build the design.

EPC projects performed by Cajun are the most effective path to ensure efficient execution while clients maintain authority, control and decision making. Any issue related to safety, scope, cost, schedule, or performance is resolved through the Owner’s Project Manager or stakeholder designee.

Cajun has the capability and flexibility to successfully execute your project by implementing the most effective contracting strategy that fits your company’s strategic vision.

integrated services

  • Multi-Discipline Engineering
  • Conceptual through Detailed Engineering
  • Procurement/Supply Management
  • Constructability
  • Advanced Work Packaging
  • Deep Foundations
  • Civil
  • Pipe Fabrication
  • Mechanical
  • Buildings
  • Marine Construction
  • Engineering Construction Support
  • Construction Management
  • EPC

Cajun Engineering Solutions is committed to providing the highest quality site-based technical services employees.

At Cajun, our people make the difference. The CES commitment to place quality candidates is unmistakable. Our relationships are built and maintained by some of the region’s most experienced engineering professionals. Regardless of the position that you are looking to fill, our team can help you efficiently staff positions with the best talent available in a cost effective model.

Site-based Technical service employees are an essential part of our business. When our clients identify an in-plant need, we work with them to understand their expectations and specific requirements. CES pre-screens and interviews all candidates prior to submissions, ensuring the best fit for the job. We maintain an evergreen database that includes countless resumes and potential leads. Cajun insists our technical services staff maintain communication with management and the home office so we can assure the best performance to meet and exceed our client’s high standards.

Our full-time employees are offered a competitive compensation package including a comprehensive benefits plan and continuous training in their discipline. Our team addresses coemployment concerns, provides Human Resources, accounting, benefits support and manages performance evaluations. This detailed approach leads to committed long-term employees with minimal turnover.


  • Project Managers
  • Project Engineers & Coordinators
  • Designers/Drafters
  • Engineers
  • Construction Managers & Coordinators
  • Inspectors & Materials Coordinators
  • Procurement Support
  • Project Controls Professionals
  • Safety Professionals
  • QA/QC Professionals
  • Document Control Support
  • Administrative & Accounting Support
  • Operations Consultants & Specialists